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In this innovative and stimulating book, Tim Garvin takes the reader on a wild, witty, and wise ride into the depths of life. By exploring and illuminating the concepts of desire, meaning, and mysticism, he clarifies some of life’s most profound issues: freewill, suffering, consciousness, reincarnation, karma. What’s more, the writing is beautiful, with fantastic wordsmithing and creativity on every page. Everything, indeed, makes sense as Garvin integrates Meher Baba’s comprehensive texts on creation, consciousness, love, and the nature of spiritual work.
—Dr. Allan Cohen, clinical psychologist and author of The Mastery of Consciousness: An Introduction and Guide to Practical Mysticism and Methods of Spiritual Development

For any sincere seeker of Truth, Everything Makes Sense offers a path of contemplation that leads through the physical, psychological, and philosophical to the spiritual. The author eloquently and poetically directs the reader towards the purpose of life and consciousness. The writing reflects not only Garvin’s decades of studying the great thinkers, but also his likely many lifetimes of association with the source of Knowledge. This book is a gift that will allow ready seekers to forego years of preoccupation with trifling intellectual distractions and get on with “close-notice of life and consciousness.”
—Peter Nordeen, historian of the life and work of Avatar Meher Baba,

writer and producer of God in Human Form and other films for Meher Filmworks

I couldn’t stop reading Everything Makes Sense, a deep and poetic book from an extraordinarily gifted writer. The book investigates human consciousness through the lenses of meaning and desire and should be required reading for all neuro-materialists holding onto the biological- robot/meaningless-universe meme.
—Alec Tsakiris, host of the Skeptiko podcast and author of Why Science Is Wrong ... About Almost Everything and Why Evil Matters: How Science & Religion Fumbled a Big One

Everything Makes Sense starts with a meticulous clarification of terms in our spiritual, philosophical and scientific vocabularies, all of which are thoroughly refreshed by Garvin and subsequently brought to serve as living memes for a vision both grounded and lofty. He wants us to think big—as big as true humility can reach. Then, as if by stealth, we find that Garvin’s fresh exploration  aligns with the pristine teachings of Meher Baba, who is rightly acknowledged as the Avatar of the Age and also with Sri Aurobindo, the great master of evolutionary cosmology. A deeply satisfying, highly relevant and significant read.

-James O’Dea, former President of the Institute of Noetic Science, author and activist.

Everything Makes Sense is a thought-provoking book that challenges prevailing notions about the nature of intelligence and the limitations of physicalism. Author Tim Garvin invites us to immerse ourselves in deep existential questions about personal meaning and about our place in the universe. This book is a captivating read for anyone fascinated by the intricacies of the mind, consciousness, and the never-ending quest for understanding.
—Dean Radin, PhD, Chief Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and author of Real Magic, Entangled Minds, and other books

Everything Makes Sense: A Close-Notice of Life and Consciousness is a vitally important book, offering a perspective on spirituality that informs and inspires. The thinking of Meher Baba and other spiritual leaders grace the book, along with rich thought experiments full of wisdom and beauty. The prose of this powerful book is artful, gripping, and insightful, and I enthusiastically recommend it as essential to everyone interested in spiritual enlightenment.
—Jeffrey Long, MD, author of the New York Times-bestselling Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences and God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience

In this profound and hard-to-put-down book, Tim Garvin gently takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery. The simplicity of his method both belies and clarifies the depth of the questions he engages. Garvin patiently works through humanity’s most- challenging questions in a way that is practical and relatable. In Everything Makes Sense, open-minded readers will find a manuscript that confronts the deep issues of life with a spirit of wonder and a sincere desire for truth. The book works both as a prologue to the thought of such great sages as Meher Baba, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna, and Swami Vivekananda, and as a follow-up study to more fully unpack their teachings. I recommend it highly.
—Dr JD Long, Professor of Religion, Philosophy, and Asian Studies, and author of Jainism: An Introduction, Hinduism in America and Discovering Indian Philosophy

I read Tim Garvin’s Everything Makes Sense with deep interest and believe his journey into the interior of consciousness will be loved, shared, and avidly read by the many seekers who are now awakening to the nature and purpose of life. Everything Makes Sense characterizes the universe as “the eternal busyness of God’s manifestation, the something-seen and the something- seeing as well … We are not only embedded in the being of God, we are ourselves made of God-stuff.” When I met Avatar Meher Baba in 1965, He said, “You are God, as is everyone sitting here. You are just not conscious of your divinity. It is my job to create that awareness.” Garvin’s comprehensive philosophical and psychological insight supports this idea with an invigorating exploration of consciousness. His innovative ideas are presented in a simple, direct way and illuminate the conception that “the universe is a divine manifestation and that we are ourselves secretly God.”
—Naosherwan Anzar, author and editor of many books about Meher Baba, editor of the journal Glow International, and director of Beloved Archives

Everything Makes Sense is surcharged with heartfulness and artfulness and offers as well a deep store of thought-provoking verse and spirit-enlivening story-telling. The book is a tour de force worthy of the attention of anyone who has ever wondered what’s really happening in the Game of Life.

—Rick Chapman, author of Meher Baba, the Compassionate One and How To Choose A Guru, An A to Z Guide To Telling the Real From the False

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